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New cyber defence to combat hackers

Recently hacking has become a greater threat to businesses. Many firms are now encrypting and securing all their data to the point that it is extremely hard to access but even so, they are still experiencing security breaches.

Hacking may be easier because people no longer work solely from one computer but instead use a network of multiple computers – working in different places and connecting to different internet connections.

In 2009, there had been a series of cyber-attacks called Aurora composed by China-backed hackers, this has highly affected not only Google, but also Adobe and Yahoo. There is now a counteract defence system, a model known as the “Beyond Corp” approach. This approach assumes every device/person attempting to connect to a network is unsafe until they prove otherwise. It analyses the devices and information they are submitting.

“Gathering, storing and analysing all that data was the type of big data problem only a tech-savvy company such as Google could tackle at the time of the Aurora attacks,” says Joe Pindar, Security strategist at Gemalto. However, as this has become more common with big data sets, larger amounts of bigger businesses have been accepting the “Beyond Corp” approach when organising their digital defences.

The way in which this is analysed makes it far easier to spot when attackers are trying to gain access to a network. The authentication happens as soon as someone enters the network and will flag any unusual behaviour or activity. This results in security staff being able to react swiftly if anything suspicious is going on. Anything other than normal login behaviour will stand out making sure that everything is considered when noticing abnormalities.

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