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IMSM Frequently Asked Questions

Given the opportunity, IMSM would always prefer to talk with you directly. However, all you may require is a straightforward answer to your question. We hope our FAQs help.

Established ISO Certifiers since 1994
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IMSM’s most frequently asked questions and the answers.

How do I manange my ISO standard?
You can manage your ISO standard using our comprehensive ISO management system platform: IMSMLoop. IMSMLoop serves as your essential ISO management system resource. It’s a user-friendly online platform that facilitates ISO standards implementation, management, auditing, and adherence for your business.
Do ISO standards apply equally to developed and developing countries?
ISO standards carry the same weight in both industrialised and developing countries. With the globalisation of trade, products manufactured to lower standards will not be acceptable to clients. IMSM work with clients in developing countries to assist them in putting in place a standardisation infrastructure to enable their products to meet requirements on an international level.
What does ISO do for developing countries?
Developing countries with limited resources can benefit from the reservoir of knowledge that ISO represents. For developing countries, ISO standards are an important means of acquiring technological know-how heralded as ‘state of the art’. Developing countries also benefit from ISO as a way of raising their capability to export and compete in global markets.
How are the ISO standards developed?
The technical committee of the national delegates (experts) discuss, debate, and produce a draft agreement. ISO’s members, as a whole, comment and ballot on the draft; if the voting is in favour, the document is published as an international standard.
Who develops ISO standards?
ISO standards are developed by international expert technical committees, made up of industry sectors. 30,000 experts participate in the development of ISO standards each year, e.g. government representatives, consumer associations, etc.
What benefits does international standardisation bring to clients?
Clients benefit from a wide choice of offers as the worldwide compatibility of technology is achieved when products and services are based on international standards.
How long does it take to complete the ISO standard?
Timescales of completion are dependent on the following variables:

  • The standard(s) you require
  • The number of company sites
  • The number of employees
  • The amount of support deemed necessary to ensure that your business is prepared and ready for certification
IMSM will attach the necessary resources required to ensure all deadlines are achieved.
What do I have to do to complete the ISO standards?
IMSM specialises in supporting SMEs and fully understands the issues that surround businesses on a daily basis. In many instances, your local IMSM area manager can access and organise partial funding for your investment in an ISO standard. IMSM can also provide an easy payment solution for your business by arranging a standing order to spread the cost over a maximum of six months.
What is the International Register of Certified Auditors (IRCA)?
IRCA is the world’s original and largest international certification body for auditors of management systems. Located in the UK in the centre of London, IRCA certifies more than 14,750 auditors in over 150 countries worldwide. IRCA provides auditors, business and industry with certification of auditors of management systems and approval of training and certification organisations.
Could you give some practical examples of ISO standards in place?
You come in to contact with ISO standards on a daily basis without even realising it. Hundreds of researched signs and symbols have been developed by ISO technical committees, conveying clear-cut messages crossing language barriers. Here are a few examples of ISO in action:

  • The signs on packaging telling you “this way up”
  • The symbols on the dashboard of your car
  • ISBN numbers on the inside front cover of your book – unique to every copy of each book
  • Directions and instructions in and around airports
  • Features on your credit card to enable it to be used worldwide
  • The nuts, bolts and screws that hold your chair, desk, bicycle together
What is ISO’s relationship with governments?
In 1946, delegates from 25 countries formed with the intention of creating a new international organisation in order “to facilitate the international coordination and unification of industrial standards”. ISO is a non-governmental organisation (NGO), although, government experts often participate in ISO standard development. Although ISO is an NGO, it forms a bridge between and receives input from the public sector as it does from the private sector.
What benefits does international standardisation bring to my business?
International standardisation will enable your business to compete in markets nationally and across the world. The widespread recognition and adoption of international standards means that suppliers can develop their products and services using reference documents that have broad market relevance. The following is a selection of benefits that ISO will bring to your business:

  • Increased revenue
  • Improved processes
  • Increased efficiency and consistency
  • Client satisfaction
The world is constantly moving on and evolving – what about ISO standards?
ISO standards are reviewed at least every five years after their publication to ensure that they remain representative to industry.
What does “international standardisation” mean?
International standardisation provides a reference framework, or a common technological language, between suppliers and their customers, facilitating trade and technology transfer. Industry-wide standardisation occurs when the large majority of products or services in a particular business or industry sector conform to international standards.
We are a small company and unsure if we can afford the cost
IMSM specialises in supporting SMEs and fully understands the issues that surround businesses on a daily basis. In many instances, your local IMSM area manager can access and organise partial funding for your investment in an ISO standard. IMSM can also provide an easy payment solution for your business by arranging a standing order to spread the cost over a maximum of six months.
How much does the ISO standard cost?
The cost of ISO standard implementation and certification is a fixed fee from the beginning of your business relationship with IMSM and it will not change throughout the ISO process. The cost is not as much as you might think and is based on the following variables:

  • The standard(s) you require
  • The number of company sites
  • The number of employees
  • The amount of support deemed necessary to ensure that your business is prepared and ready for certification

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Advanced services combined with a large experience and fast performance.

“We decided to use IMSM to help and support us through the process. We were fairly new to this as a company and to have a company like IMSM guiding us through the requirements saved us time and gave us the confidence to present to the external auditors, knowing we had everything covered”

David Spence, Operations Engineering Manager
Ping Network Solutions

"Our ISO certifications help us provide consistent, quality-focused services that our clients have come to depend on and appreciate.”

Cherie Sprout, Executive Assistant
Integral Consulting Services, Inc.

“We can now demonstrate, via externally internationally recognised accreditation, that Pall-Ex is the number one pallet network for quality. This also allows us extensive yearly external auditing by our certification provider against a measured standard.”

Will Gardner, Head of QHSE & Operational Improvement
Pall-Ex Limited

"Our IMSM Assessor put in a lot of time and effort; they did a really good job for us, helping to organise what we had here. We had a lot of the pieces in place, they just weren’t put together, which IMSM helped us to do. We have a system in place now and we continually follow up on everything. “

Steve Head, Business Improvement Director
Anderson Dahlen

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