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ISO 9001 for small businesses: why it makes sense

In 2017, ISO 9001 was awarded to over 1,000,000 businesses worldwide, making it far above the most popular ISO standard, especially in construction and wholesale industries. This is because, universally, a best practice quality management system is an integral part of any well-run organisation; if you’re struggling to implement an efficient quality management system, ISO 9001 could also help you become more efficient in how you do business.

But isn’t this useful for large businesses only? Actually, the structure of ISO 9001 means it’s cost-effective for you no matter your industry, annual turnover, or number of employees. There’s always a demand for quality products and services, no matter the size of your business; customers are always seeking competitive prices and great delivery.

What are the benefits of ISO 9001 for small businesses?

Your business becomes more structured

The main benefit of ISO 9001 is that it gives your operations a more solid structure to work from, enhancing the effectiveness of the way your company works. Because systems are robust and senior management are taught innovative techniques, employees work more productively thanks to emphasising good leadership, leading and engaging workers across the board.

You’ll help improve your supply chain

It’s not just about your workers; it’s about making the best of your supply chain through regular feedback. Ensuring you and everyone you work with is compliant with regulations will improve your industry and lower costs.

There’s plenty of opportunity for development

While you give feedback to your supply chain, ISO 9001 helps carve out room for you to improve. Your quality management system isn’t set in stone: it’s fundamentally based on constantly improving how you operate. Small businesses shouldn’t feel intimidated, as they, too, should focus on improving themselves.

Transform procedures to be more cost-effective

At the bottom line, managing the quality of your product or service saves costs. Therefore, it simultaneously increases profit margins. A successful business better satisfies your existing customers and helps you secure new business.

Want to know more about ISO 9001? Here’s everything you need to know.

Give your marketing a boost

The ISO 9001 certification is an international mark of quality that showcases your commitment to continual improvement and best practice quality management system. Even small businesses want the opportunity to prove they’re industry leaders – and that these leaders can come in all shapes and sizes.

Minimise risks

Risks and dangerous slip-ups can be most devastating to small businesses as they tend to have the most to lose. As part of the certification process, you will identify risks that are unique to your business through risk assessments that have been developed using risk-based thinking.

It’s tailored to you

ISO consultants, like IMSM, help to customize the programme in a way that works for your business. We understand the nuanced needs of a small business aren’t the same as a large organisation, and we can create a version of the workable ISO standard that still meets international requirements.

You can audit your own organisation

You can be your own auditor thanks to online or in-person training. This is a cheaper alternative to having an external auditor examine your business, and training can fit around your own personal schedule.

Getting ISO 9001 certified can seem daunting, especially for a small business that might not have the resources to dedicate one staff member to lead the implementation project full-time. This is where many businesses hire an ISO 9001 consultant to bring their expertise to the process and ensure certification is gained the first time around. If you’re looking for an ISO consultation, contact IMSM today to see how we can help your business with certification.

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